Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions

Terms and Conditions


This website (excluding linked sites) is controlled by : Tata Global Beverages

Registered in England & Wales No 3019950
Registered office: Parkview 82 Oxford Road, Uxbridge, UB8 1UX
The site can be accessed from various countries around the World. As each of these places has laws that may differ from those of the United Kingdom, by accessing the site both you and we agree that the laws of the United Kingdom shall apply to all matters arising from or relating to the use and contents of this site. You also agree and hereby submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England & Wales with respect to such matters.

Copyright (c) 2014 Tata Global Beverages. All rights reserved. All copyright and other intellectual property rights in all text, images, sound, software and other materials on this site are owned by Tata Global Beverages and its affiliated companies or are included with the permission of the relevant owner. References to affiliates or affiliated companies shall include all members of Tata Global Beverages.
You are permitted to browse this site and to reproduce extracts by way of printing, downloading to a hard disk, and by distribution to other people, but in all cases for informational purposes only and provided that the above copyright notice appears in all such reproductions. No reproduction of any part of the site may be sold or distributed for commercial gain nor shall it be modified or incorporated in any other work or publication, whether in hard copy or electronic format, including posting to any other site. No other licence or right is granted.

All trade marks displayed on this site are either owned or used under licence by Tata Global Beverages and its affiliates. The unauthorised use of any trade mark on this site is strictly prohibited.

Reference to any product or service on the site does not constitute an offer to sell or supply that product or service. Specific advice concerning the availability and suitability of any particular product or service should be sought before purchase.

Any suggestions or information you send us through this site, including recipes, will be treated as non-proprietary and non-confidential and become the property of Tata Global Beverages without compensation, for exclusive use at our unlimited discretion.

The information on this site has been included in good faith but is for general informational purposes only. It should not be relied on for any specific purpose and no representation or warranty is given as regards its accuracy or completeness. No information at this site shall constitute an invitation to invest in any member of Tata Global Beverages nor should it be used as the basis for any investment decision. Neither Tata Global Beverages nor any of its affiliates or their officers, employees or agents shall be liable for any loss, damage or expense arising out of any access to or use of this site or any site linked to it including, without limitation, any loss of profit, indirect, incidental or consequential loss. We reserve the right to make any changes and corrections to this site as and when we consider it appropriate and without notice.
Although Tetley and Tata Global Beverages invite comments from all site users we reserve the right to remove any comment that may be deemed offensive to another user of the site

At various points throughout the site you may be offered automatic links to other Internet sites relevant to a particular aspect of this site. This does not indicate that Tata Global Beverages is necessarily associated with any of these other sites or their owners. Whilst it is the intention of the company that you should find these other sites of interest, neither the company, its affiliates, nor its or their officers, employees or agents shall have any responsibility or liability of any nature whatsoever for these other sites or any information contained in them, none of which have been verified or endorsed by the company or its affiliates. If at any time you find that you have accessed another site you may return to this site by clicking on the "backwards" arrow, or by keying in the web address.

Where Tea Comes From:
Argentina - Author: Leandro Kibisz
Indonesia - Author: Achmad Rabin Taim
Japan - Author: Jose Comessu